Jesse Billauer
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improveS mental health for all

Strong mental health requires trust in the future, the support of community, and the belief that your dreams can become reality. This is what Jesse shares with people each day.

Jesse’s Talking Points
Follow your dreams no matter what
Look fear in the face and keep going
Your victory is over the next wave
Life loves you; love it back


Hire Jesse To Speak

Hire Jesse To Speak •

and numerous K-12 school districts


Superhuman Summit

20 Years of Life Rolls On

In Search of Incredible

Quality of Life Events

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Two weeks before turning pro, Jesse broke his 6th vertebrae. Instantly a quadriplegic. He could give up…or somehow get back to the life he loved. He chose the latter. Jesse pioneered the sport now known as adaptive surfing, and with a few fearless friends, splashed into the unknown on – of all mornings – September 11, 2001. The band of brothers contemplated calling the whole thing off on that fateful day, but decided to charge the waves as a salute to freedom.

Jesse is a 3X world champion in the sport he created. He has been named one of the most inspirational surfers on the planet, and was inducted into the Surfing Walk of Fame.

Jesse travels the country sharing his inspirational message of perspective over circumstance with students and business leaders alike. People have approached Jesse years later to thank him for changing – and in some cases, saving – their life.



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